Your Coaches

Robin Taylor, Founder & Head Coach

I have always been passionate about the power physical movement has on our wellbeing. Being active is a central component of who I am and it has helped me navigate the negative physical effects that life can have on our bodies.

After having two children, the impact of movement became more important…and more complicated. The old methods of “working out” just didn’t work with my changed body and my training sessions left me feeling demoralized and frustrated. I was experiencing what lots of women go through after baby: stress incontinence, diastasis recti and debilitating low back pain.

Determined to heal my own body and get back to feeling good, I began an iterative process of education, testing and good, old-fashioned trial-and-error on my own body. I learned to heal my pelvic floor dysfunction, repair my core and get out of pain once and for all. The positive and lasting impact of evidence-based, high-quality, consistent movement, coupled with a desire to help others move and feel better, inspired me to create MVMNT Studio.

This is your safe place to heal, get strong and never look back.

Mikayla Pock, Assistant Coach

Assistant Coach Mikayla holds a BS in Kinesiology from San Diego State University, is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and Fit for Birth Pre & Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist (PPN-CES). She’s passionate about helping former athletes heal injury, rediscover their purpose in the gym and empowering women of all backgrounds to ignite their inner strength through movement.

Kristen Karhio, Coach in-residence

Coach Kristen is MVMNT Studio’s resident Kettlebell expert. She brings a decade of Kettlebell training expertise (and experience as a collegiate heptathlete) to thoughtfully designed, specialty Kettlebell clinics and pop-up Kettlebell sessions.


MVMNT Studio is dedicated to education. We are an authorized internship site with the San Diego State University Department of Kinesiology, and welcome 2 interns per academic year to learn from us, and us from them.

Reach out today to schedule a free assessment with our coaches.